The Bluetooth Toothbrush is the newest type of brush that you can use with your cell phone. Many people have not used them yet and some are still not sure about them. You can brush your teeth with your hands and it does not matter if you have an appointment to go to or you are just running out of time. You do not need to worry about holding the brush in one hand while applying the gel in another. You can get the same results as you would get from using a manual brush that was designed for brushing your teeth.

Some of the biggest concerns people have about electronic devices for oral hygiene is they are electronic and can break or become damaged. However, most Bluetooth toothbrushes are safe to use because they are battery operated and designed for extended usage. This is different from the electric toothbrushes that many people use and these are designed to be used for a specific amount of time. Your dentist will help you to determine how often you should brush your teeth with an electronic oral hygiene device. Most are designed to be used daily.

The Bluetooth toothbrush comes with a built in application called the SmartSeries Workout timer. You can set up this timer to start as soon as you put the device on your mouth and you can also program it to start after a certain amount of time has passed. The timer is on a screen so you will know what is happening as your brush begins to brush your teeth. This is great for those who enjoy exercising and want to monitor their health through the use of their teeth.

The SmartSeries 5000 series was designed by the world’s leading wireless company called Philips. It uses the latest in bluetooth technology. This is the same type of technology that you find in cellular phones and other electronic devices. This makes your brush more effective and efficient as it will work faster when it has access to wireless technology.

Other features of these smart toothbrushes include the ability to pause between brushing to allow for better oral health care, it will display how many minutes you have brushed your teeth, and it will even record how long you take to brush. You can set up your Philips Smart Series 5000 to remind you when its’ time to take a break from brushing. If you forget to take a break, the timer will remind you to do so automatically. These advanced features make Philips Brushing Heads a top selling product.

With these features, your brush will not only perform better, but will work more efficiently. You should check out the other features available in the Bluetooth toothbrush that you might want to consider before you buy one. These applications allow you to get more done during less time. If you want to keep up with the latest trends in technology, this might be just the thing for you. Start cleaning your teeth with innovative and cutting edge technology today.