Flossing regularly can improve your oral health and reduce the odds of you developing some oral conditions. So if you have been skipping flossing or you don’t have flossers, you are putting your oral health at risk.

Dentists have pointed out that brushing twice daily is not enough to have healthy teeth. Toothbrushes are great and effective at removing plaque, but they can’t clean hard-to-reach areas like your gum line and between your teeth.

A survey from the ADA (American Dental Association) shows that flossers are best for removing food remains and plaque from areas that toothbrushes can’t reach.

This article is going to shed light on some of the main benefits of flossing regularly.

Benefits of flossing regularly
Fight against bad breath
Not using flossers is a surefire way to have bad breath.

Food debris stuck between your teeth will start to decay and smell after some time. This will make you have an awful breath.

Besides food remains, plaque can also build up between your teeth. If you don’t remove them, they may damage your enamel. This, thus, will make you prone to oral health conditions like gum disease and cavities. Note that these conditions can also cause bad breath.

Can help prevent cavities

People with mild to severe cases of tooth decay are more likely to develop cavities. Cavities are holes on the surface of the teeth.

Not removing the plaque stuff between your teeth may make you prone to having cavities. Plaque can cause tooth decay and other conditions that can result in cavities.

Flossing once daily can go a long way in removing the food remains and plaque that can potentially cause food decay.

Flossing regularly can improve your heart health

There is a connection between your oral health and your heart health. Brushing regularly can improve your heart health and prevent you from developing some heart conditions.

A 2019 study found that people who follow a good oral care routine have a decreased risk of heart failure.

Using flossers is a simple but effective way to take care of your oral and heart health at the same time.

An effective way to get rid of plaque

Plaque is a sticky film that accumulates around the gum line and between the teeth. They are formed when the bacteria in your mouth act on the starch in the food and drinks you consume. These bacteria can release a special acid that can damage your enamel and break down carbohydrates. If you don’t brush your teeth and floss quickly, the acid, carbohydrates, and bacteria in your mouth will mix and produce plaque.

When plaque isn’t removed by flossing, it may cause cavities after a while. Even more, they may become hardened and form tartar. Tartar accumulates around the gumline and can increase the likelihood of one developing gum disease.
When should I floss my teeth?
The American Dental Association recommends flossing at least once daily. So you can choose to floss in the morning or at night. Of course, you have the freedom to floss twice daily.

Dentists recommend flossing before brushing, as it will help remove the plaque between the teeth. Brushing with a toothbrush will help remove the plaque and food remains you removed from your gum line when flossing.

Floss alternatives you should try

If for some reason you don’t like using flossers. You should consider trying the following alternatives as they can deliver similar results.

Interdental brushes – it is like a mini brush that can help clean between your teeth
Water flossers- they utilize water to remove plaque and clean your teeth.
Air flossers- they use air pressure to remove plaque and food remains.

Final note

Flossers are a must-have for anyone who wants to keep their teeth clean, have fresh breath, and prevent cavities and other oral conditions. Flossing at least once daily can help remove the bacteria, plaque, and food particles that can potentially damage your teeth.