It’s embarrassing to have bad breath, especially when around people in social or professional settings. Bad breath can ruin a date or create an uncomfortable environment in a meeting. Also, most people dislike the self-consciousness and bad-mouth feeling that comes with it. If your bad breath is not getting better, you might be suffering from a chronic form: halitosis.

Are you suffering from bad breath more often? How can you fix it? If you want to gain the lost confidence again in conversations, here are a few ideas to make your breath fresh again.

Brush and Floss Regularly

An excellent idea to start is brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing every day. Your teeth catch food particles and bacteria during the day. The sticky film, called plaque, can harden and become tartar if you fail to remove it. This can cause bad breath that can get worse if left neglected.

It is possible to remove plaque from your teeth, along with the foul smell it causes, by brushing and flossing.

In addition to flossing once every day, you should brush your teeth at least twice a day. Otherwise, plaque will get stuck between your teeth and under your gum line. This will cause bad breath and contribute to gum disease and tooth decay.

Keep your tongue clean

Flossing and brushing alone will not solve your bad breath issues. You can take other steps as well. Your tongue has mucus which is where many of those stink-causing bacteria reside. Therefore, it’s essential to clean your tongue during brushing or flossing. Using a tongue scraper or toothbrush can help to keep it clean. By adding some toothpaste to your routine, you’ll be able to improve your breath even further than brushing or scraping alone. By cleaning your tongue, you can ensure freshness and keep that stinky mouth odor away.

Mouthwash is helpful

Some types of mouthwash can help improve your breath significantly. But choose wisely since some mouthwash can cause bad breath to worsen. These mouthwashes contain up to 25% alcohol, which dries out the mouth. Since saliva helps keep your mouth clean and wash away bacteria, drying out the mouth can give bacteria a boost, making your breath even more toxic.

If you want to enhance your breath with mouthwash, skip mouthwash that contains alcohol. Instead, opt for mouthwash specially designed to fight bad breath. Some options include great options like Crest, Colgate, and Listerine.

Avoid Smoking

As a smoker, you are probably aware of how bad your breath smells from the smell of tobacco products. Did you know, however, that bad breath doesn’t just result from smoke? As with alcohol, tobacco tends to reduce saliva production in the mouth, promoting the growth of bacteria. So even if you do not smell like smoke, you may still have bad breath due to bacteria. That’s why it’s best to stay away from smoking for good.

Regular Followups with your dentist

You may have gum disease, cavities, or an infection in your mouth if you have persistent bad breath. Having your teeth cleaned and examined every six months is a good idea. In addition to removing plaque and tartar, your dentist will look at your mouth for any signs of infection, decay, or gum disease. By addressing the issue on time, they can prevent any complications from arising.

Healthy diet changes

Plaque and bacteria accumulate primarily as a result of sugar and starch. Sugar and starch can contribute to bad breath, so reducing your intake may help. Make sure to eat whole grains, fresh fruit, and lean meats. In addition, you should rinse your mouth with water or brush your teeth after eating sugary or starchy foods. By eating healthy, not only will your breath and overall health be better. So always choose the best kinds of food that give benefits.

Drink plenty of water

Dry mouth is one of the most common causes of bad breath. It is impossible to wash all the bacteria out of your mouth when you produce enough saliva. Staying hydrated is key to keeping bacteria from sticking around in your mouth for too long. It is recommended to drink 64 ounces of water each day.

Use chewing gum regularly

At the very least, you should chew on a piece of sugar-free minty gum if you can’t brush your teeth. By chewing gum, you can reduce bacteria in your mouth. This happens by increasing saliva production and masking bad breath with the mint flavor.


If bad breath doesn’t resolve after making changes, you might be dealing with a more serious oral health problem. This is because odor-producing bacteria thrive in places with little oxygen, such as under your gum line or deep inside infected teeth. In other words, if your breath isn’t getting better, you may need a thorough dental checkup. In addition, there can be an underlying gum disease that needs a root canal. Make sure to check with your doctor to advise the best treatment for you.