Everyone needs to practice good oral hygiene. For one reason, this reflects your overall oral health. There have been some tips online that will guide you to keeping good oral hygiene. But, what are the basics to maintain good oral hygiene?

In this article, we are going to first understand the basics of oral health. Follow through this and you will know some tips to maintain your teeth clean. And with that, continue to show off that beautiful smile.

Why do you need to maintain good oral health hygiene?

By definition, your oral health hygiene pertains to the health of your entire oral-facial cavity. This includes the health of your teeth, mouth, tongue, and gums. Maintaining good oral hygiene allows you to eat, taste and smile.

Like most parts of the body, your oral cavity is also prone to diseases. This is why you need to avoid some of the most common diseases that may affect your oral health. Some oral diseases include cavities (tooth decay), gum (periodontal) disease, and oral cancer.

So, what can you do to keep your oral hygiene in good smiling shape? Here are some of the top 5 basic oral health tips that you can do today.

Practice a consistent habit of brushing and flossing

Nothing beats brushing the second time around. What we mean by that is you need to develop a habit to brush at least twice a day. Make it a habit to brush your teeth after your breakfast, and before you get into bed. Don’t brush your teeth so heavily, but keep the stroke at a moderate pace. Use soft-bristled toothbrushes to have an effective way of brushing your teeth.

In addition to brushing your teeth, have yourself time for flossing. The right amount of flossing helps to remove plaque between your teeth. This is where flossing works best! This is because there are areas where your toothbrush may not properly reach. Dentists do suggest that you need to floss at least once per day before you brush your teeth. Flossing and brushing your teeth work in tandem with your oral health care routine.

Choose the right toothpaste and gargle through a mouth rinse

Many different types of toothpaste are available at your favorite grocery. When you buy toothpaste, look for the kinds of toothpaste that are both safe and effective. Some of this toothpaste may include fluoride-based chemicals and some may have herbal ingredients, too. On the other hand, some of us may have sensitive teeth and/or gums. So, it is best recommended to choose toothpaste specifically for that purpose.

When you brush your teeth, apply toothpaste with fluoride compound. Fluoride-based toothpaste helps prevent the buildup of cavities, and at the same time, it strengthens your teeth. Afterward, another routine you may consider doing is by gargling through a mouth rinse. This will help ensure you optimal cleaning of your mouth. Rinsing with mouthwash can further help in removing the bacteria residing on your tongue or gums.

Replace your toothbrush after 3 months

Using a soft-bristled type of toothbrush is best recommended to allow easy removal of plaques between your teeth. Its brush head should be small enough to reach the parts of your teeth, including the hard-to-reach sections. More so, these brush bristles are best used because of their soft and comfortable texture when brushing. But, these types of toothbrushes mustn’t stay as long as they should be.

Because toothbrushes are used regularly, they can wear out quickly. So, you need to replace your toothbrush every three months. Otherwise, if you have seen that the bristles are frayed or worn out already, then it is advised to have them replaced soonest. It would not do its job of cleaning your teeth. What worse can happen is that it may also permeate bad bacteria on your mouth, or may even damage your gums. With this said, bear in mind that you need to replace your toothbrush every 3 months or earlier if its bristles start to wear out or become frayed.

Eat a balanced and healthy diet

So, the previous factors relate to what you can do to your oral health and hygiene. But, do you know for a fact that your diet also plays an important role in your oral hygiene? Making yourself observe a healthy diet is key to preventing tooth decay. A balanced diet that limits sugary foods and drinks can help prevent tooth decay.

For example, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers a relevant insight on how we should intake sugars in our diet. It suggests that no more than 10% of your daily calories come from sugar or sugary foods. This includes natural sugars found in fruit, as well as added sugars found in candy and soda. So, you need to ensure eating a balanced healthy diet in your routine, and also limit snacks between meals.

Visit your dentist regularly

Now that we know that the preceding sections form part of good oral health, you also need to consider visiting a dentist regularly. Seeking expert oral health advice will do better than what we may initially know. Your preferred dentist can do some procedures to provide you with the right care for your oral health.

This may include a range of dental treatments such as thorough cleaning of your teeth. Some may also recommend treating your teeth through permanent filling on your tooth. Or, your dentist may inform you with consent if some of your teeth need extraction if the permanent filling will not help. Visiting your dentist at least every six months will be essential for your oral health. So, make sure to look for a trusted dentist who will be able to provide you with proper dental care.

Your oral health is the breath of your total health

What we need to do is to be consistent with our mindset on having good oral hygiene. Practicing discipline for your oral health is essential for a healthy mouth. At ES Toothbrush, those are some tips that we hope you enjoy applying to keep wearing that healthy smile of yours.